Pipa PE INNOVA by VINILON - Air Panas & Air Dingin

Pipa PE INNOVA by VINILON - Air Panas & Air Dingin

Setelah sukses berkiprah dengan pipa PE untuk air bersih, Vinilon kini menghadirkan terobosan baru dalam penggunaan pipa PE yakni Vinilon "Innova". Pipa PE Innova merupakan pipa PE tahan panas pertama di Asia Tenggara dengan material khusus dari perkembangan teknologi muktahir dunia industri plastik yakni bahan pipa dibuat dari PERT (Polyethylene of Resistant Temperature).

Pipa PE ini tahan panas sampai 95° C dan tahan terhadap tekanan dari dalam pipa serta tersambung dengan Fitting yang terbuat dari bahan Nylon 6 tanpa membutuhkan lem / alat pemanas. Inilah keunikan pipa PE Vinilon Innova yang tidak dimiliki produk lain.

Tahan Panas Hingga 95°CAnti GempaSistem Penyambungan Anti Bocor
Mudah Pasang SendiriAnti Karat & AbrasifFood Grade (USA FDA21 CFR 177.1520)

Spesifikasi Teknis Fitting INNOVA

Mechanical PropertiesTest ConditionUnitsStandardsNylon 6
Tensile Modulus1 mm/minMPaISO 5273600
Tensile Stress at break5 mm/minMPaISO 52775
Tensile Strain at break5 mm/min%ISO 52712
Flexural Modulus2 mm/minMPaISO 1783100
Flexural Strength5 mm/minMPaISO 178120
Temperature of Deflection under load methid AfMPa°CISO 75190
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion23 to 55 °C104-4/KASTM E 8310.3
Water AbsorbtionSaturation Value in water at 23 °C%ISO 628.5
gm/cm3ISO 11831.23

Spesifikasi Teknis Pipa PE INNOVA untuk Air Dingin dan Panas

SpesifikasiunitInnova dinginInnova panas
PhysicalBerat Jenisg/cm30,94-0,960,94-0,96
MechanicalKuat TarikMPa2424
KekerasanShore D64-6564-65
ThermalTemperatur Kerja
Titik Leleh
s/d 40
s/d 95

Outside DiameterWall ThicknessWorking PressureLength of pipe

air dingin
20 °C
air panas
95 °C

OD (mm)(mm)kg/cm2kg/cm2mt/roll


1. Potong pipa Innova dengan alat pemotong (gunting pipa/gergaji).2. Dorong fitting Innova ke dalam pipa, minimal sampai baris ke-2 dari bagian tirus fitting Innova
3. Kencangkan bagian mur fitting Innova dengan tang atau "kunci Inggris."4. Mudah. Tanpa pemanasan dan lem. Terpasang sempurna antara pipa Innova dan fitting Innova,dijamin tidak ada kebocoran.

INNOVA Fitting


Compression Fittings For HDPE Pipe

PP Compression Fittings 

BS 5114: 1975
Specification for performance requirements for joints and compression fittings for use with polyethylene pipes.
BS 6920: 1990
Part 1 & Part2
Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water.
AS 1460, 1- 1989
Fittings for use with polyethylene pipes. Part 1 : Mechanical-joining fittings.
WIS No. 4-32-11
Specification for end load resistant mechanical joints and compression fittings made principally of thermoplastic for use with polyethylene pipes.
ISO 3458
Internal pressure test on assembled connection between fittings and polyethylene (PE) pressure pipes.
ISO 3459
External pressure test on assembled connections between fittings and polyethylene (PE) pressure pipes.
ISO 3501
Test on assembled connections between fittings and polyethylene (PE) pressure pipes to verify resistance to pull out.
ISO 3503
Internal pressure test on assembled connections between fittings and polyethylene (PE) pressure pipes when pipe subjected to bending.
BS EN 712: 1995
End-load-bearing mechanical joints between pressure pipes and fittings. Test method for resistance to pull out under constant longitudinal force.
BS EN 713: 1995 Mechanical joints between fittings and PE pressure pipes. Test method for leaktightness under internal pressure of assemblies subjected to bending.
BS EN 715: 1995
End-load-bearing joints between small diameter pressure pipes and fittings. Test method for leaktightness under internal water pressure, including end-trust.
BS EN 911: 1996 Test method for leaktightness under external pressure test.
BS EN 578: 1994 Plastic pipes and fittings. Determination of the opacity.
AS 1646:1992 Elastomeric seals for waterworks purposes.
MS 1058: 1998
Specification for Polyethylene (PE) pipes for water supply (R) : Part 1 : PIPES (Second Revision)
DIN 8074: 1987 High-density polyethylene (PE-HD) pipes.